August 2021 < Blog
Discorded Discords
Dominion Server is a Minecraft community that plays other games, who happen to engage in real-life chat and engage in other activities. The central pillar of the Dominion server has always been Minecraft, but what if Minecraft is not the central pillar of the friendships of the community built around it? Early on in its inception, Discords of various natures have sprung up around a few friendship groups. Discord servers can serve diverse needs, such as organisations to bring projects together; often, a single channel in the central server is insufficient. Equally, they can help a functional role such as the secret Santa Discord; this is spun up each year to organise the seasonal event. The official Nebula vs Dominion Discord is interesting; join this to play games amongst two similar Minecraft servers; this has lessened relevance but should remain a staple of Dominion. Finally, some communities act just as Dominion as offshoots, playing games, posting memes and chatting; however, these side communities have no Minecraft focus.
This month on Dominion, a few of these side communities spawned all at once, serving the same purpose. Two of these Discords all serving the same purpose may seem a little too much too soon, and it appeared this way to the creators. These merged into a single community to not let these Discords fall into Discord (Laughs on named pieces of paper). This sudden sprouting of a new community begs two questions. Is the main Dominion Discord not enough? Will these communities survive without a single game keeping them alive? This is a question for another few months; looking at other communities, they tend to require a core crew keeping them alive. So long as there is a core community keeping the community active, it should survive, so long as they don't fall out and fall into Discord.